Thursday, April 18, 2013

She's here!

Sorry it's taken me so long to update the blog. Sarah arrived two weeks ago.  The c-section was beyond difficult, with a terrible reaction to the spinal which bottomed out my blood pressure and raised my heart rate to 145. Once they got that under control and started cutting, I had a 40% blood volume loss. My hemoglobin was down to 7.5.  So I had anemia to deal with, on top of post op pain and a hungry newborn. But she's worth every pain and complication.

On the SI front, my old friends piriformis and gluteus medius spasms are back. I'm sure my inactivity has a lot to do with that. When I'm able to take a percocet, that helps all my issues, but since my OB doesn't believe in giving too many pain meds, she gave me 3 1/2 days' worth of percocet for my 6 week recovery. So I've been rationing those bad boys and choosing to hug ice packs instead whenever I can stand it. I'm hoping to get back into PT soon, but that depends on getting a medical release from the OB, getting a new referral from the PCM, and managing to get a few appointments in before school lets out. Else, I don't know what I'll do with my three kids 2-3 times per week during the summer. Hubs is off work for April, but he won't be able to watch my kids all summer. Somehow it will all work out, just, in my sleep-deprived fog, I don't quite see how yet.


  1. Congratulations!!!! So happy you made it and now have your bundle of joy and are on the mend :)

    1. I am over the moon for this little girl! We all are, including her big brothers. :)
