Monday, February 4, 2013

39 weeks

I finally met with my OB this morning, after sending her this letter.  Her response was that she disagreed with my assessment.  Even considering my lax ligament history, she insisted my risk for pubic symphysis (PS) diastasis (severe joint separation) was extremely low. 

However, she agreed to perform a c-section anyway, as long as I understood the risks.  At least half the risks have to do with future pregnancies, but since we decided long ago that this was our last child, that took away half the concern right there.  However, she said even if I have a c-section, that's still no guarantee of avoiding PS diastasis, since plenty of people get it without having babies.  I assured her that I understood there were no guarantees, understood the increased risk of bleeding, pain from scarring (inside and out), a longer recovery and possible injury to the bladder.  But I still want a c-section.  The idea of passing a large child through an opening where one of three joints is fused, and another of the three joints is already painful, well, that's enough to seal the deal for me.  I am the 1 in a million already, and I intend to do everything to avoid going down that road again.

I told her that while she had me open, she might as well tie my tubes.  She said she couldn't do that because I'm delivering at a Catholic hospital (which I think I knew but had forgotten).  I assured her that was no problem -- I would never ask, and certainly not insist, that anyone or any group violate their religious beliefs for the sake of my own convenience.  So we'll be discussing other options --  a tubal ligation at a later date, or (ahem) a snip for the hubs.  Either way, Sarah Elizabeth will complete our family, and I'm super excited to meet her, on or near April 2 (at 39 weeks).

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